The fourth meeting of the CAB was the especially creative one – the members had the task to use their creativity to show their perception of the justice and child protection systems. By positioning chairs in the rooms, they showed how they perceive the adult to treat children in the court and in the centres for social welfare. Also, they reflected on their experiences, both positive and negative ones. We also had a chance to discuss their differences – while some members had a very good experience with their social workers, the others shared how they felt no-one listened to them. This meeting was concluded with a very important message the members had for the professionals: “We need you to listen to us.”

The child in the child protection system: lost and alone

The child in the court: Sitting alone with all the adults being on the other side

How we perceive our CAB group
Child Advisory Board is one of the activites of the project Alternative Ways to Address Youth (AWAY). Here you can read the latest news about the project.