Short-term training consultancy for the ChildHub
Published : 01.02.2020.
Deadline for application:
10 Feb 2020
Country(s) that the job is based in:
Child Protection Hub / Terre des hommes
Job type:
University lecturer
Specialist Expert

Background: The Child Protection Hub is a regional community of child protection professionals in South Eastern European countries. While the project has been successful in introducing online learning among these professionals, the creation of a real online community has been difficult. In order to address this, special efforts have been made to promote peer-to-peer learning among members. There were some basic principles described (see in Annex 1), but beyond that each country had the flexibility of creating its own plans. This was successful in some countries, more challenging in others.

The task: 2 days of training for ChildHub Associates to take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, building on their existing strengths, and providing them inspiration to continue their work. The meeting should provide opportunity for associates to share their experiences, learn from each other, as well as get inspired in order to feel motivated for further efforts. Ultimately the goal is to make sure this activity is implemented in a meaningful way, providing effective support to frontline social workers in the 8 countries of implementation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants know and consciously build on their own and their organisation’s strength in order to develop topics for peer-to-peer activities
  • Participants are confident and feel supported in continuing their work on peer-to-peer activiites
  • Participants create clear, and achievable plans on how they will implement this activity, reaching the planned beneficiary numbers, and providing meaningful support to frotlline social workers.
  • Participants understand what minimum standards their activities need to fulfil
  • Participants learn what solutions other countries have come up with and can take this learning and translate it to their own

Parameters of the assignment: The trainer will work with the ChildHub regional team (Judit Nemeth-Almasi and Tamas Komaromi) in order to build the agenda of the training. 3 day are available for the trainer to prepare the training (including the development of a pre-training assignment/assessment for associates), 2 days for implementation and another day for writing a report and other administrative tasks. The trainer will be expected to put together a workbook and slides that can be used during the 2 days. The maximum daily rate the project can accept is EUR 350 plus taxes and expenses.

The training will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 7-8 2020. People will be expected to travel on the Monday, 6th April and can leave the evening of the 8th or the 9th.

The project will pay for the airfare, arrange the hotel for all participants, will pay for the venue and catering and will cover dinners for participants.

To apply: please send a  training concept, cv, and financial offer to by February 10th 2020.

Terms of references