Your Rights and Responsibilities
Published : 08.06.2016.

What is a Right?

A difficult question to answer, but we can begin by understanding the difference between ‘desires’ and ‘needs’.

Desires are things which are not essential to our lives, things something we can live without.

However, fulfilling our desires makes our lives more enjoyable, beautiful, and comfortable. Examples of common desires might include a new video game, going on a trip, seeing a concert, buying a new bike, or spending more time with friends.

Needs are those things which we cannot live without, or without which life would be very difficult.

To be healthy and to live well we must eat, drink clean water and have a safe and warm place to sleep. It also means that if we are sick, we need medication to get better and feel healthy again.

Rights are necessities. These are the basic things that all people need, big and small, young and old, so that they may stay healthy, safe, and live comfortably without fear.  For example, every person must eat if they are to live and be healthy, therefore everyone has a right to adequate and healthy food.


What about Children’s rights?

Children’s rights are human rights, but ones which are relevant to people under 18 years of age.

These rights are particularly singled out and separate from all other human rights because childhood represents an especially important period of development in a person’s life. Violations of rights during childhood may have lasting and negative impacts on a person for the rest of their life.

A child is any person under the age of 18.


How to protect Children’s Rights?

The country and city where a child lives must provide them with safety and respect for their rights. This requirement also applies to adults, who are responsible for protecting and assisting children in exercising their rights. Children often do not have much knowledge, nor are they able to protect themselves, hence, they should help each other when it comes to their rights, but more importantly it is the role of adults to ensure children are provided for in this respect.

Therefore, almost all the countries in the world have come together and agreed to respect and protect the equal rights of children.

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